Indian Wells City Council
Discussion Topics:
Policy on Placing Items on Council Agenda
Does the Council want to add modifying the procedure for Council Members to place items on the agenda as a City Goal? If so, what are the key issues?
Existing Conditions
City Council Policy Manual Section 3.02.050 - Placing Items on Agenda reads in part:
“A council member may request an item be considered on a future agenda, verbally during a City Council meeting or by informing the City Manager; this does not include re-consideration of an item by the minority, see section 3.03.160 for the specifics of reconsideration of a council action. The request will be agendized at the next regularly scheduled meeting for initial consideration by the Council, with a memo report identifying the council member requesting the item. If a majority of the Council agrees to consider the item, then the matter is scheduled for further consideration on an upcoming meeting agenda and a staff report may be prepared. The City Manager will inform the Council of the potential impact the request will have on established priorities or staff workload and seek approval by the Council prior to authorizing the work or scheduling the item as appropriate.”
Prior to 2010, the equivalent City Council Policy Manual Section 3.02.03(d)(1) - Items to be Placed on the Agenda read:
“City Council Members and the City Manager may place items on the agenda. Residents of the City may place a request to agendize a matter on the agenda for Council consideration.”